Author of the publication

Characterizing Disease-specific Pathways and Their Coordination by Integrative Microarray Analysis with Application to Cancer.

, , , , , and . BIOCOMP, page 693-699. CSREA Press, (2007)

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Prediction and uncertainty in the analysis of gene expression profiles., , , , , and . German Conference on Bioinformatics, page 102-111. German Research Center for Biotechnology, (2001)Characterizing Disease-specific Pathways and Their Coordination by Integrative Microarray Analysis with Application to Cancer., , , , , and . BIOCOMP, page 693-699. CSREA Press, (2007)Origin of bistability underlying mammalian cell cycle entry, , , , and . Molecular Systems Biology, (Apr 26, 2011)Gene expression signatures, clinicopathological features, and individualized therapy in breast cancer., , , , , , , , , and 8 other author(s). JAMA, 299 (13): 1574-87 (April 2008)A role for E2F6 in distinguishing G1/S- and G2/M-specific transcription, , , , , , and . Genes & Development, 18 (23, /content/18/23.cover.gif): 2941-2951 (2004)A genomic strategy to elucidate modules of oncogenic pathway signaling networks., , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). Molecular cell, 34 (1): 104--114 (Apr 10, 2009)In silico prediction of transcription factors that interact with the E2F family of transcription factors., , , , and . ICARCV, page 1325-1330. IEEE, (2004)Sparse graphical models for exploring gene expression data, , , , , and . Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 90 (1): 196--212 (2004)