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Other publications of authors with the same name

Capacity Allocation under Nooncooperative Routing, , and . IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, (1998)Capacity Allocation under Nooncooperative Routing, , and . IEEE Transactions on Networking, 5 (6): 861--871 (1997)Achieving Network Optima Using Stackelberg Routing Strategies, , and . IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 5 (1): 161--173 (1997)QoS Routing Mechanisms and OSPF Extensions, , , , , and . RFC 2676 (Experimental), (August 1999)Optimal Partition of QoS Requirements on Unicast Paths and Multicast Trees, and . (July 1998)Competitive Routing in Multiuse Communication Networks, , and . IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 1 (5): 510--521 (1993)Incentive Pricing in Multi-Class Communication Networks, and . Department of Electrical Engineering, Technion University, (1996)Shortest-path and minimum-delay algorithms in networks with time-dependent edge-length, and . Journal of the ACM, 37 (3): 607-625 (July 1990)