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Overcoming filtering penalties in flexi-grid long-haul optical systems., , , and . ICC, page 5168-5173. IEEE, (2015)Design of gain-clamped doped-fiber amplifiers for optimal dynamic performance., and . ICC, page 1736-1740. IEEE, (1999)A Fresh Look at Multicanonical Monte Carlo from a Telecom Perspective., , , , and . GLOBECOM, page 1-8. IEEE, (2009)Novel structures of the optical node in multihop transparent optical networks using deflection routing., and . J. High Speed Networks, 5 (3): 243-258 (1996)Locating Fiber Loss Anomalies with a Receiver-side Monitoring Algorithm exploiting Cross-Phase Modulation., , , , , , and . OFC, page 1-3. IEEE, (2023)Mode Coupling Analysis of Hollow Ring-Core Fibers for OAM Transmission., , , , , , , , and . ECOC, page 1-3. IEEE, (2017)Gain dynamics of doped-fiber amplifiers for added and dropped signals., and . ICC, page 911-915. IEEE, (1998)Analysis of One-Buffer Deflection Routing in Ultra-Fast Optical Mesh Networks., , and . INFOCOM, page 303-311. IEEE Computer Society, (1993)Constant SNR-Error Step-Size Selection Rule for Numerical Simulation of Optical Transmissions., , and . ECOC, page 1-3. IEEE, (2017)The Generalized Droop Model for Optical Long-Haul Transmission Systems., , and . ECOC, page 1-4. IEEE, (2020)