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Hot Under the Hood: An Analysis of Ambient Temperature Impact on Heterogeneous Edge Platforms., , , , и . EdgeSys@EuroSys, стр. 25-30. ACM, (2023)MIRAGE: Machine Learning-based Modeling of Identical Replicas of the Jetson AGX Embedded Platform., , , , и . SEC, стр. 26-40. IEEE, (2021)NVIDIA Jetson Platform Characterization., , , и . Euro-Par, том 10417 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 92-105. Springer, (2017)Snowflakes at the Edge: A Study of Variability among NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier Boards., , , и . EdgeSys@EuroSys, стр. 1-6. ACM, (2021)Characterizing Variability in Heterogeneous Edge Systems: A Methodology & Case Study., , , , , и . SEC, стр. 107-121. IEEE, (2022)Efficient GPU utilization in heterogeneous big data cluster using token-based scheduler., , и . CCECE, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2017)Studying the Impact of CPU and Memory Controller Frequencies on Power Consumption of the Jetson TX1., и . FMEC, стр. 105-112. IEEE, (2019)AHEAD: A Tool for Projecting Next-Generation Hardware Enhancements on GPU-Accelerated Systems., , , и . IPDPS Workshops, стр. 583-592. IEEE, (2019)EdgeEngine: A Thermal-Aware Optimization Framework for Edge Inference., , , и . SEC, стр. 67-79. IEEE, (2023)