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Adaptive antenna array utilizing the conjugate gradient method for multipath mobile communication

, and . Signal Processing, 29 (3): 319--333 (December 1992)

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Half-Fourier transform and application to radar signals., , and . ICASSP, page 241-244. IEEE, (1986)Application of the conjugate gradient and steepest descent for computing the eigenvalues of an operator, and . Signal Processing, 17 (1): 31--38 (May 1989)Parameter estimation of multiple transient signals, and . Signal Processing, 28 (1): 109--115 (July 1992)Adaptive antenna array for direction-of-arrival estimation utilizing the conjugate gradient method, , and . Signal Processing, 45 (3): 313--327 (September 1995)Design of two-dimensional Tseng window and its application to antenna array for the detection of AM signal in the presence of strong jammers in mobile communication, , and . Signal Processing, 34 (3): 297--310 (December 1993)A finite step adaptive implementation of the Pisarenko's harmonic retrieval method in colored noise., , and . ICASSP, page 1102-1105. IEEE, (1983)Noise correction approach for pole-zero modeling by pencil-of-functions method., , and . ICASSP, page 232-235. IEEE, (1982)Rational modeling by pencil-of-functions method., , and . ICASSP, page 897-900. IEEE, (1981)Design of optimum discrete finite duration orthogonal Nyquist signals., and . IEEE Trans. Acoust. Speech Signal Process., 36 (4): 606-608 (1988)A survey of conjugate gradient algorithms for solution of extreme eigen-problems of a symmetric matrix., , and . IEEE Trans. Acoust. Speech Signal Process., 37 (10): 1550-1556 (1989)