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F2CS: FSSP to CATH and SCOP prediction server., , и . Bioinform., 20 (13): 2150-2152 (2004)Computational Capacity of an Odorant Discriminator: The Linear Separability of Curves., , , и . Neural Comput., 14 (9): 2201-2220 (2002)Nucleation and growth in the coexistence region, и . Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 177 (1-3): 301--310 (15.09.1991)Recovery of protein structure from contact maps, , и . Folding & Design, 2 (5): 295-396 (1997)On the Number of Samples Needed to Learn the Correct Structure of a Bayesian Network., , и . UAI, AUAI Press, (2006)Superparamagnetic clustering of data -- The definitive solution of an ill-posed problem. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 263 (1-4): 158--169 (01.02.1999)General cluster Monte Carlo dynamics, и . Physical Review B, 43 (10): 8539 (1991)Ranking Under Uncertainty., , и . UAI, стр. 466-473. AUAI Press, (2007)Coupled Two-way Clustering Analysis of Breast Cancer and Colon Cancer Gene Expression Data., , , , и . Bioinform., 19 (9): 1079-1089 (2003)Protein folding in contact map space. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 288 (1-4): 1--9 (15.12.2000)