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Emergence of Specialization in a Swarm of Robots., , , and . DARS, volume 83 of Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, page 403-416. Springer, (2010)Reinforcing the number of disjoint spanning trees., , and . Ars Comb., (2009)On Group Choosability of Total Graphs., , and . Graphs Comb., 29 (3): 585-597 (2013)Supereulerian digraphs., , and . Discret. Math., (2014)On the extended Clark-Wormold Hamiltonian-like index problem., , , , and . Discret. Math., 345 (4): 112745 (2022)Symmetric core and spanning trails in directed networks., , , and . Discret. Math., 344 (11): 112584 (2021)Degree conditions for group connectivity., , and . Discret. Math., 310 (5): 1050-1058 (2010)Vertex arboricity and maximum degree., and . Discret. Math., 141 (1-3): 37-46 (1995)Fractional matching number and spectral radius of nonnegative matrix of graphs, , , and . (2020)cite arxiv:2002.00370.Characterization of Digraphic Sequences with Strongly Connected Realizations., , and . J. Graph Theory, 84 (2): 191-201 (2017)