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Exception Specification and Handling in Workflow Management Systems., , и . ISDB, стр. 252-257. Acta Press, (2002)Interleaved Cloth Simulation.. VRIPHYS, стр. 15-21. Eurographics Association, (2015)Area Preserving Strain Limiting.. VRIPHYS, стр. 111-116. Eurographics Association, (2015)Grid-based Gaussian Modeling for Cellular Positioning., и . MobiSys, стр. 645-646. ACM, (2019)Automatic Radio Map Construction Exploiting Mobile Payments., и . MDM, стр. 415-419. IEEE, (2019)CompFi: Partially Connected Neural Network Using Complex CSI Data for Indoor Localization., , , и . VTC Spring, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2020)WLAN-based Location Monitoring System in Confined Workspaces., и . ICVISP, стр. 48:1-48:5. ACM, (2018)An LSTM-based Indoor Positioning Method Using Wi-Fi Signals., и . ICVISP, стр. 43:1-43:5. ACM, (2018)Machine Learning for Practical Localization System Using Multiview CSI., , и . IEEE Access, (2020)A Framework Supporting Dynamic Workflow Interoperation., , и . OTM Workshops, том 3762 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 461-472. Springer, (2005)