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Some tests for unit roots in seasonal time series with deterministic trends, и . Statistics & Probability Letters, 16 (2): 85--95 (27.01.1993)Unit root tests for seasonal models with deterministic trends, , и . Statistics & Probability Letters, 25 (1): 27--35 (октября 1995)Generalized method of moments estimation for cointegrated vector autoregressive models., , и . Comput. Stat. Data Anal., 55 (9): 2605-2618 (2011)The inverse imported factor demand system in Thailand: A cointegration analysis, , и . Economics Letters, 94 (3): 402--407 (марта 2007)Common cycles in seasonally cointegrated time series. Economics Letters, 53 (3): 261--264 (декабря 1996)Rank Based Dickey-Fuller Test Statistics, и . Journal of Time Series Analysis, 24 (6): 647--662 (305 11 2003)doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9892.2003.00327.x.UNIT ROOT TESTS WITH INFINITE VARIANCE ERRORS, , и . Econometric Reviews, 20 (4): 461--483 (2001)Additional sources of bias in half-life estimation., , и . Comput. Stat. Data Anal., 51 (3): 2056-2064 (2006)Semiparametric Seasonal Cointegrating Rank Selection., , и . COMPSTAT, стр. 297-304. Physica-Verlag, (2010)The real exchange rate: an alternative approach to the PPP puzzle, , и . Journal of Policy Modeling, 24 (6): 533--538 (октября 2002)