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A componential analysis of cognitive effort in choice, , и . Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, (1990)Risky choice: An examination of information acquisition behavior, и . Memory & Cognition, 6 (5): 554-561 (1978)Mouselab Experimenter. (2005)A contructive process view of decision making: Multiple strategies in judgment and choice, , , и . Acta Psychologica, (1992)An information processing perspective on choice, , и . Decision making from a cognitive perspective, San Diego: Academic Press, (1995)Adaptive strategy selection in decision making, , и . Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 14 (3): 534-552 (1988)Constructive Consumer choice processes, , и . Journal of Consumer Research, (1998)Task Complexity and Contingent Processing in Decision Making: An Information search and protocol analysis. Organizational Behavior and Human Decicion Processes, (1976)Correlation, Conflict and Choice, , , и . Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 19 (4): 931-951 (1993)Relation of perceived risk to preferences among gambles. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 104 (1): 86-94 (1975)