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Density-based Temporal Graph Clustering for Subgroup Detection in Social Networks, и . (2007)Presented at The 4th conference on Applications of Social Network Analysis (ASNA).Debriefings: A Knowledge Management Method to Capture Lessons Learned in Large-Scale Projects, , и . Information-Mining und Wissensmanagement in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft, стр. 83-96. 8. Göttinger Symposium Soft Computing, (2005)Studying community dynamics with an incremental graph mining algorithm, , и . 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems. - Red Hook, NY : Curran, (2008)Observing dynamics in community structures, и . стр. 102-105. (2006)Capturing experiences in large-scale product development projects using debriefing., , и . (2005)Adaptive User Support in Information Retrieval Systems, и . Information-Mining und Wissensmanagement in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft, стр. 111-125. (2004)Application Service Providing for Data Mining Applications. Proceedings 7. Göttinger Symposium Soft-Computing, стр. 23-40. (2003)Application Service Providing as Part of Intelligent Decision Support for Supply Chain Management, и . In Proc. of 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-36), (2003)Modeling, Discovering and Using User Communities, , и . Tutorial at 11th User Modeling Conf. (UM'07), (июня 2007)Capturing Experiences in Large-Scale Product Development Projects Using Debriefings, , и . Entrepreneurship im Projektmanagement, стр. 75-87. dpunkt Verlag, (2005)