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On identifying early blockable taxpayers on goods and services trading operations., , и . DG.O, стр. 405-413. ACM, (2023)A Multiplayer Cloud Gaming Architecture for Scalable Physics., , и . CoG, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2024)Data Science Methods and Techniques for Goods and Services Trading Taxation: a Systematic Mapping Study., и . EGOV-CeDEM-ePart-*, том 3049 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 231-243., (2021)Use of multilevel resource clustering for service placement in fog computing environments., , и . UCC, стр. 360-365. IEEE, (2022)Towards Scalable Cloud Gaming Systems: Decoupling Physics from the Game Engine., , , и . SBGames, стр. 151-160. ACM, (2023)Integrating Social Networks and Remote Patient Monitoring Systems to Disseminate Notifications., , , и . MedInfo, том 245 из Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, стр. 198-201. IOS Press, (2017)Variabilities as first-class elements in product line architectures of homecare systems., , и . SEHC@ICSE, стр. 33-39. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Addressing the Concurrent Access to Smart Objects in Ubiquitous Computing Scenarios., и . WebMedia, стр. 79-82. ACM, (2016)MDE-Based Graphical Tool for Modeling Data Provenance According to the W3C PROV Standard., и . MODELSWARD, стр. 141-148. SCITEPRESS, (2024)Analyzing the impact of gamification on a mHealth application for treating urinary incontinence in prostate cancer patients., , , , , и . J. Interact. Syst., 15 (1): 728-740 (2024)