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Exploring the optimal learning technique for IBM TrueNorth platform to overcome quantization loss., , , , , and . NANOARCH, page 185-190. ACM, (2016)Reversible data hiding based on directional prediction and multiple histograms modification., , and . WCSP, page 1-6. IEEE, (2017)Neuromorphic computing's yesterday, today, and tomorrow - an evolutional view., , , , , , , , and . Integr., (2018)Light Field Reconstruction Using Efficient Pseudo 4D Epipolar-Aware Structure., , , and . IEEE Trans. Computational Imaging, (2022)Analyzing I/O patterns for the design of energy-efficient image servers., , and . IPCCC, page 1-8. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Benchmarking Large-Scale Object Storage Servers., , and . COMPSAC Workshops, page 594-595. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)978-1-4673-8845-0.Feedback Learning for Improving the Robustness of Neural Networks., , and . ICMLA, page 686-693. IEEE, (2019)Micro-Lens Image Stack Upsampling for Densely-Sampled Light Field Reconstruction., , , and . IEEE Trans. Computational Imaging, (2021)Robustness Analysis and Improvement in Neural Networks and Neuromorphic Computing.. Duke University, Durham, NC, USA, (2021) (ftdukeunivdsp:oai:localhost:10161/23108).End-to-End Light Field Spatial Super-Resolution Network Using Multiple Epipolar Geometry., , and . IEEE Trans. Image Process., (2021)