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MMA: a multi-view and multi-modality benchmark dataset for human action recognition., , , , и . Multimedia Tools Appl., 77 (22): 29383-29404 (2018)Exploring the Cross-Domain Action Recognition Problem by Deep Feature Learning and Cross-Domain Learning., , , , и . IEEE Access, (2018)On Connectivity and Energy Efficiency for Sleeping-Schedule-Based Wireless Sensor Networks., , , и . Sensors, 19 (9): 2126 (2019)Wireless information and power transfer on cooperative multi-path relay channels., , , , , и . ICCC, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2016)Energy-Aware Virtual Machine Management in Inter-datacenter Networks over Elastic Optical Infrastructure., , и . CoRR, (2017)Cell-less Communications in 5G Vehicular Networks Based on Vehicle-Installed Access Points., , , , , и . CoRR, (2018)Performance analysis of quad-LED complex spatial modulation in visible light communication system., , , , , и . WCNC, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2018)Waiting-line auction for WiFi pricing., , и . CoNEXT, стр. 56. ACM, (2008)Muon \$g-2\$ in the Aligned Two Higgs Doublet Model, , и . (16.11.2015)User-relay assignment for amplify-and-forward cooperative communication systems., , , , , и . ISCIT, стр. 33-37. IEEE, (2016)