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Quantifying Application Behavior Space for Detection and Self-Healing, , , , and . CUCS-017-06. Columbia University, (2006)FLIPS: Hybrid Adaptive Intrustion Prevention, , , and . #RAID05#, (2005)Lightweight Intrusion Detection for Resource-Constrained Embedded Control Systems., , , , and . Critical Infrastructure Protection, volume 367 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, page 31-46. Springer, (2011)The cake is a lie: privilege rings as a policy resource., , , , and . VMSec@CCS, page 33-38. ACM, (2009)Converting an Electric Power Utility Network to Defend Against Crafted Inputs., , , , and . Critical Infrastructure Protection, volume 570 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, page 73-85. Springer, (2019)Finding the Balance Between Guidance and Independence in Cybersecurity Exercises., , , , and . ASE @ USENIX Security Symposium, USENIX Association, (2016)Hands-on cybersecurity exercises and the rave virtual environment (abstract only)., , , , and . SIGCSE, page 759. ACM, (2013)SSARES: Secure Searchable Automated Remote Email Storage., , , and . ACSAC, page 129-139. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Weird Machines in Package Managers: A Case Study of Input Language Complexity and Emergent Execution in Software Systems., , and . SP (Workshops), page 169-179. IEEE, (2024)Katana: A Hot Patching Framework for ELF Executables., , , and . ARES, page 507-512. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)