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Enabling Connectivity for Automated Mobility: A Novel MQTT-based Interface Evaluated in a 5G Case Study on Edge-Cloud Lidar Object Detection., , , , , и . CoRR, (2022)Reducing Uncertainty by Fusing Dynamic Occupancy Grid Maps in a Cloud-based Collective Environment Model., , , , , и . IV, стр. 837-843. IEEE, (2020)Agile Requirement Engineering for a Cloud System for Automated and Networked Vehicles., , , , , и . ASD@DATE, том 79 из OASIcs, стр. 4:1-4:8. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, (2020)A Simulation-based End-to-End Learning Framework for Evidential Occupancy Grid Mapping., , , и . IV, стр. 934-939. IEEE, (2021)3D Point Cloud Compression with Recurrent Neural Network and Image Compression Methods., , , , , , и . IV, стр. 345-351. IEEE, (2022)A Sim2Real Deep Learning Approach for the Transformation of Images from Multiple Vehicle-Mounted Cameras to a Semantically Segmented Image in Bird's Eye View., , и . ITSC, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2020)Combined Registration and Fusion of Evidential Occupancy Grid Maps for Live Digital Twins of Traffic., , , , и . IV, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2023)CARLOS: An Open, Modular, and Scalable Simulation Framework for the Development and Testing of Software for C-ITS., , , , , , и . IV, стр. 3100-3106. IEEE, (2024)RobotKube: Orchestrating Large-Scale Cooperative Multi-Robot Systems with Kubernetes and ROS., , , , , и . ITSC, стр. 2719-2725. IEEE, (2023)Generic Approach to Optimized Placement of Smart Roadside Infrastructure Sensors Using 3D Digital Maps., , , и . ITSC, стр. 1311-1316. IEEE, (2022)