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Component-level parallelization of triangular decompositions., and . PASCO, page 69-77. ACM, (2007)An Incremental Algorithm for Computing Cylindrical Algebraic Decompositions., and . ASCM, page 199-221. Springer, (2012)On the Complexity and Parallel Implementation of Hensel's Lemma and Weierstrass Preparation., and . CASC, volume 12865 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 78-99. Springer, (2021)Power Series Arithmetic with the BPAS Library., , and . CASC, volume 12291 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 108-128. Springer, (2020)Computational Schemes for Subresultant Chains., , and . CASC, volume 12865 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 21-41. Springer, (2021)Laurent Series and Puiseux Series in Maple., , , and . Maple Trans., (2023)Simplification of Cylindrical Algebraic Formulas., and . CASC, volume 9301 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 119-134. Springer, (2015)Solving Parametric Polynomial Systems by RealComprehensiveTriangularize., and . ICMS, volume 8592 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 504-511. Springer, (2014)Comprehensive Optimization of Parametric Kernels for Graphics Processing Units., , , and . CoRR, (2018)Spiral-generated modular FFT algorithms., , , , , and . PASCO, page 169-170. ACM, (2010)