SOA in der Praxis: System-Design für verteilte GeschäftsprozesseN. Josuttis. dpunkt, Heidelberg, (2008)SOA in der Praxis - System-Design für verteilte GeschäftsprozesseN. Josuttis. Dpunkt.Verlag, Heidelberg, (2008)Objektorientiertes Programmieren in C++ - Ein Tutorial für Ein- und Umsteiger, 2. A.N. Josuttis. (2001)The view: the ultimate IT chat.N. Josuttis, J. Eckstein, L. Rising, L. Hvatum, M. Manns, и R. Wirfs-Brock. OOPSLA Companion, стр. 151-152. ACM, (2004)Erfolgreiches Management großer Projekte durch agiles Vorgehen.J. Eckstein, и N. Josuttis. Modellierung, том P-82 из LNI, стр. 29. GI, (2006)The future of SOA: what worked, what didn't, and where is it going from here?M. Ibrahim, K. Holley, N. Josuttis, B. Michelson, D. Thomas, и J. deVadoss. OOPSLA Companion, стр. 1034-1038. ACM, (2007)The C++ standard library: a tutorial and referenceN. Josuttis. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., Boston, MA, USA, (1999)from :
"Programming with the C++ Standard Library can certainly be difficult, but Nicolai Josuttis's The C++ Standard Library provides one of the best available guides to using the built-in features of C++ effectively.
The C++ Standard Library provides plenty of default functionality in the form of the Standard Template Library (STL) for containers (like vectors and linked lists), as well as generic algorithms (which allow you to sort, search, and manipulate elements inside containers). The best thing about The C++ Standard Library is that it gives the reader a concise guide to working with these basic containers (from lists to sets and maps, with everything in between). Each container type is explained along with short code excerpts. Moreover, in a reference section, the author explores the connections between each container type, showing how they share similar methods. (Learn just a few methods and you can pretty much work with them all.)
In addition to STL, this book excels at providing a readable introduction to the generic algorithms (which can be used to sort, search, and otherwise manipulate STL containers). Other books either fold this material in with the explanation of containers or make it seem like an esoteric topic. The fact is, generic algorithms work with all the STL types, and by separating these algorithms out like this the reader can learn the rich array of algorithms available in today's standard C++. While this book concentrates on STL and algorithms, readers will still find great coverage on Standard Library string classes and streams (including a fine section on internationalization and locales).
For the beginning or intermediate C++ programmer, The C++ Standard Library can be a real timesaver. It arranges and explains the complexities of the C++ Standard Library and STL in a manageable format that's great as a reference and as an approach to programming. --Richard Dragan
Topics covered: history of C++ and the Standard Library, template basics, Big-O Notation, the std namespace, standard exceptions, allocators, standard library utilities, pairs and auto_ptr, numeric limits, the Standard Template Library (STL) basics, containers, iterators, algorithms, vectors, lists, deques, strings, sets, multisets, bitsets, maps, multimaps, stacks, queues, iterator adapters, function objects, element requirements, value and reference semantics, complex numbers, valarrays, stream classes, stream manipulators and formatting, file I/O, internationalization, and locales.
Book Info
Provides a set of common classes and interfaces that greatly extend the core C++ language. Provides comprehensive documentation of each library component, and offers clearly written explanations of complex concepts, describing the practical programming details needed for effective use, and gives examples of working code. DLC: C++ (Computer program language). ".
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