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An investigation of the role of solutes in the xylem sap and in the xylem parenchyma as the source of root pressure, , and . Protoplasma, (2000)The vascular system of maize stems revisited: Implications for water transport and xylem safety, , and . Annals of Botany, (2000)Water Pathways in Wheat Leaves. II Water-conducting Capacities and Vessel Diameters of Different Vein Types, and the Behaviour of the Integrated Vein Network, , and . Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, (1985)Solute concentrations in xylem sap along vessels of maize primary roots at hight root pressure, , and . Journal of Experimental Botany, (1998)The reliability of cryoSEM for the observation and quantification of xylem embolisms and quantitative analysis of xylem sap in situ, , , , , and . Journal of Microscopy, (2000)Measurements of the time to refill embolised vessels, , , and . Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, (2001)Freeze/thaw-induced embolism depends on nadir temperature: the heterogeneous hydration hypothesis, , , , and . Plant, Cell and Environment, (2006)Water pathways in wheat leaves. IV The interpretation of images of a fluorescent apoplastic tracer. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, (1988)Apoplastic water and solute movement: new rules for an old space. Annual Review of Plant Physiology, (1995)Water pathways in wheat leaves. III. The passage of the mestome sheath and the function of the suberised lamellae. Physiologia Plantarum, (1986)