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Bɪ-CомDᴇт: Community Detection in Bipartite Networks., , и . KES, том 159 из Procedia Computer Science, стр. 313-322. Elsevier, (2019)A Multi-criteria Evaluation Framework For Facial Expression Recognition Models., , и . AICCSA, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2023)Efficient Visualization of Folksonomies Based on «Intersectors »., , , и . FQAS, том 8132 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 637-648. Springer, (2013)QualityCover: Efficient binary relation coverage guided by induced knowledge quality., и . Inf. Sci., (2016)Desertification Control Strategies: A Hybrid Approach Using Cellular Automata and Reinforcement Learning., , , и . ACRI, том 14978 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 203-216. Springer, (2024)FC-SWEEPER : Un outil d'extraction et de navigation dans les top-k concepts formels.. EGC, том E-35 из RNTI, стр. 373-374. Éditions RNTI, (2019)On the efficient stability computation for the selection of interesting formal concepts., и . Inf. Sci., (2019)Ontology for Smart Viticulture: Integrating Inference Rules Based on Sensor Data., , , , и . ICSOC Workshops, том 12019 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 168-177. Springer, (2019)STCMS: A Smart Thermal Comfort Monitor For Senior People., , , и . WETICE, стр. 187-192. IEEE, (2020)Fast and Compact Cover Extraction from Big Formal Contexts., и . WETICE, стр. 209-212. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)