Author of the publication

A View Mechanism for Object-Oriented Databases.

. EDBT, volume 580 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 136-151. Springer, (1992)

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A Framework for Evaluating Privacy Preserving Data Mining Algorithms., , and . Data Min. Knowl. Discov., 11 (2): 121-154 (2005)Local Closed-World Assumptions for reasoning about Semantic Web data., , and . APPIA-GULP-PRODE, page 314-323. (2003)Degrees of Isolation, Concurrency Control Protocols, and Commit Protocols., , and . DBSec, volume A-60 of IFIP Transactions, page 259-274. North-Holland, (1994)A new Authorization Model for Object-Oriented Databases., , and . DBSec, volume A-60 of IFIP Transactions, page 199-222. North-Holland, (1994)Detecting anomalous access patterns in relational databases., , and . VLDB J., 17 (5): 1063-1077 (2008)State-of-the-art in privacy preserving data mining, , , , , and . SIGMOD Rec., 33 (1): 50--57 (March 2004)A Privacy-Enhancing Content-Based Publish/Subscribe System Using Scalar Product Preserving Transformations., , and . DEXA (1), volume 6261 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 368-384. Springer, (2010)Adaptive Trust Threshold Strategy for Misbehaving Node Detection and Isolation., , , and . TrustCom/BigDataSE/ISPA (1), page 718-725. IEEE, (2015)Security Issues for Distributed Fusion in Coalition Environments., , , and . FUSION, page 830-837. IEEE, (2018)Provenance-based trustworthiness assessment in sensor networks., , and . DMSN, page 2-7. ACM, (2010)