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Explainable Model-Agnostic Similarity and Confidence in Face Verification., , , и . WACV (Workshops), стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2023)Mutual information neural networks: a new connectionist approach for dynamic speech recognition tasks.. ICASSP (2), стр. 645-648. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)Vocalist Gender Recognition in Recorded Popular Music., , , , и . ISMIR, стр. 613-618. International Society for Music Information Retrieval, (2010)Acoustic Gait-based Person Identification using Hidden Markov Models., , , и . MAPTRAITS@ICMI, стр. 25-30. ACM, (2014)Improving generalisation and robustness of acoustic affect recognition., , и . ICMI, стр. 517-522. ACM, (2012)Music Thumbnailing Incorporating Harmony- and Rhythm Structure., , , и . Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval, том 5811 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 78-88. Springer, (2008)Determination of Nonprototypical Valence and Arousal in Popular Music: Features and Performances., , и . EURASIP J. Audio Speech Music. Process., (2010)A new algorithm for estimation of formant trajectories directly from the speech signal based on an extended Kalman-filter.. ICASSP, стр. 1229-1232. IEEE, (1986)Lightweight Multi-Branch Network For Person Re-Identification., , , , , и . ICIP, стр. 1129-1133. IEEE, (2021)Examining the Impact of See-Through Cockpits on Driving Performance in a Mixed Reality Prototype., и . AutomotiveUI (adjunct), стр. 83-87. ACM, (2017)