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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

A migration mechanism to manage network troubles while interacting within collaborative virtual environments., und . VRCIA, Seite 417-420. ACM, (2006)Using GASP for Collaborative Interaction within 3D Virtual Worlds., und . Virtual Worlds, Volume 1834 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 65-76. Springer, (2000)Ergonomics and Virtual Reality: VISIONAIR Project Examples., , und . EuroVR, Eurographics Association, (2014)3D Radial Layout for Centrality Visualization in Graphs., , und . AVR (1), Volume 12242 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 452-460. Springer, (2020)From 3d bimanual toward distant collaborative interaction techniques: an awareness issue., , , , und . 3DCVE@VR, Seite 1-8. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)3DPlasticToolkit: Plasticity for 3D User Interfaces., , , , und . EuroVR, Volume 11883 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 62-83. Springer, (2019)Virtual Reality Simulation for Multimodal and Ubiquitous System Deployment., , , und . VISIGRAPP (2: HUCAPP), Seite 125-136. SCITEPRESS, (2023)Foreword to the Special Section on the 25th Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology., , , und . Comput. Graph., (2020)The Spherical Retractable Bubble Space: An Egocentric Graph Visualization throughout a Retractable Visualization Space., , und . Inf., 14 (10): 531 (2023)Building objects and interactors for collaborative interactions with GASP., und . CVE, Seite 129-138. ACM, (2000)