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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Design and characteristics of two Rogowski coils based on printed circuit board., , , und . IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, 55 (3): 939-943 (2006)A Data Simulation System using Sinx/x and SINX Polynomial Higher Order Neural Networks.. Computational Intelligence, Seite 56-61. IASTED/ACTA Press, (2005)Exploring Spatial-Temporal Information in Digital Library., , , und . NDDL, Seite 93-103. ICEIS Press, (2002)A novel approach for fault diagnosis of steam turbine based on neural network and genetic algorithm., und . IJCNN, Seite 25-29. IEEE, (2008)Networked sliding mode control for leveling subsystem of multi-axle transportation vehicles., , und . INDIN, Seite 1124-1129. IEEE, (2012)The lithospheric mantle beneath the southwestern Tianshan area, northwest China, , , , , und . Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 151 (4): 457--479 (01.04.2006)A High Efficient Compression Method for Power Quality Applications., , und . IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, 60 (6): 1976-1985 (2011)Low-rank plus sparse reconstruction using dictionary learning for 3D-MRI., , , und . CISP-BMEI, Seite 1407-1411. IEEE, (2016)Manipulating quantum information on the controllable systems or subspaces., , und . CoRR, (2010)Optimization design of the Dickson charge pump circuit with a resistive load., und . ISCAS (5), Seite 840-843. IEEE, (2004)