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Density Peak-based Pre-clustering Support Vector Machine for Multi-class Imbalanced Classification., , , и . SMC, стр. 27-32. IEEE, (2019)Research and Application of FlexRay High-Speed Bus on Transformer Substation Automation System., , и . WISM, том 6318 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 263-270. Springer, (2010)Optimal load distribution in power plants based on dynamic inertia weight particle swarm algorithm., , , и . ICAC, стр. 60-64. IEEE, (2016)Research of Networked Control System Based on Predictive Functional Control., , , и . AsiaSim (2), том 324 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 9-17. Springer, (2012)Research of Model Identification for Control System Based on Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm., , , и . LSMS/ICSEE (1), том 761 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 282-293. Springer, (2017)Fault diagnosis for generator unit based on RBF neural network optimized by GA-PSO., , , и . ICNC, стр. 233-236. IEEE, (2012)The application of BPNN based on improved PSO in main steam temperature control of supercritical unit., , , , и . ICAC, стр. 188-192. IEEE, (2016)MSEDNet: Multi-scale fusion and edge-supervised network for RGB-T salient object detection., , , и . Neural Networks, (2024)New Framework Mining Algorithm Based Main Operation Parameters Optimization in Power Plant., , и . LSMS/ICSEE (3), том 763 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 488-496. Springer, (2017)Research of Multi-objective optimal dispatching for microgrid based on improved Genetic Algorithm., , , и . ICNSC, стр. 69-73. IEEE, (2014)