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Roadmap to the interoperability of geo-information and services in Europe.

, und . IGARSS, Seite 640-642. IEEE, (2003)

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ISO/TC211: Standardisation of geographic information and geo-informatics., und . IGARSS, Seite 261-263. IEEE, (2002)An image processing approach using fuzzy topology., , , und . SAC, Seite 557-561. ACM, (1995)Analysis and Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images for Land-Cover Mapping., und . ICIAP (2), Volume 1311 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 743-748. Springer, (1997)Cost-Based Feature Subset Selection for Interactive Image Analysis., und . ICPR, Seite 2386-2389. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Weighted multiresolution phase-unwrapping method., , und . SAR, Volume 3497 von SPIE Proceedings, Seite 0000. SPIE, (1998)Information fusion in a Markov random field-based image segmentation approach using adaptive neighbourhoods., und . ICPR, Seite 570-575. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)Discontinuity Adaptive MRF Model for the Analysis of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images., und . ICIP (1), Seite 837-840. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Discontinuity Adaptive MRF Model for Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Analysis., , und . ICIAP (1), Volume 1310 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 255-262. Springer, (1997)Combining Supervised Remote Sensing Image Classifiers Based on Individual Class Performances.. Multiple Classifier Systems, Volume 2096 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 269-278. Springer, (2001)Towards operational knowledge-based remote-sensing image analysis., und . Pattern Recognit. Lett., 20 (11-13): 1415-1422 (1999)