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Improving of the interpretation of linear filtering preprocessing-based multiscale permutation entropy., , и . SSP, стр. 190-194. IEEE, (2023)On the segmentation of plantar foot thermal images with Deep Learning., , , , и . EUSIPCO, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2019)Multiscale Permutation Entropy: Statistical Characterization on Autoregressive and Moving Average Processes., , , и . EUSIPCO, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2019)Do the generalized correlation methods improve time delay estimation of the muscle fiber conduction velocity?, , , и . ISABEL, стр. 181:1-181:5. ACM, (2011)Local Legendre Polynomial Fitting-Based Preprocessing for Improving the Interpretation of Permutation Entropy in Stationary Time Series.. EUSIPCO, стр. 1998-2002. IEEE, (2023)Empirical mode decomposition revisited using ordinal pattern concepts.. EUSIPCO, стр. 2186-2190. IEEE, (2022)Detection of sEMG muscle activation intervals using Gaussian Mixture Model and Ant Colony Classifier., , , и . EUSIPCO, стр. 1713-1717. IEEE, (2016)An improved Bayesian inversion method for the estimation of multimodal particle size distributions using multiangle Dynamic Light Scattering measurements., , , , и . SSP, стр. 360-363. IEEE, (2014)Theoretical insights into the Phase Rectified Averaging method and application to HRV analysis., , и . EUSIPCO, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2013)Time-frequency analysis based on the phase-rectified signal averaging method., , и . EUSIPCO, стр. 2303-2307. IEEE, (2009)