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Comparing Regression, PLS, and LISREL Using a Monte Carlo Simulation.

, , and . AMCIS, page 371. Association for Information Systems, (2003)

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Comparing Regression, PLS, and LISREL Using a Monte Carlo Simulation., , and . AMCIS, page 371. Association for Information Systems, (2003)An Exploration of the Hygiene and Motivator Aspects of WebQual Constructs in Predicting Website Reuse., and . HICSS, page 280. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Understanding the Plant Level Costs and Benefits of ERP: Will the Ugly Duckling Always Turn into a Swan?, and . HICSS, IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Conditions for the Detection of Data Errors in Organizational Settings: Preliminary Results from a Field Study., , and . IQ, page 24-52. MIT, (1996)Partnering for Business Value: The Shared Management of the IS Infrastructure., , and . ICIS, page 458. Association for Information Systems, (1994)Panel 5: Making Sense of Quantitative Data in Information Systems Research: Tradeoffs, Strengths and Weaknesses of Three Approaches to Analyzing Empirical Data.. ICIS, page 21. Association for Information Systems, (1990)ERP implementations: the role of implementation partners and knowledge transfer., and . IRMA Conference, page 34-38. IDEA Group Publishing, (2000)Technology Acceptance Model and Time: Understanding Formation in Beliefs through Training of Developers., , and . AMCIS, page 160. Association for Information Systems, (2006)Fit Between Strategy and IS Specialization: A Framework for Effective Choice and Customization of Information System Application Modules., , and . Inf. Resour. Manag. J., 19 (3): 34-47 (2006)Make-or-Buy in the Age of Open Source: A Transaction Cost Analysis., and . ICIS, Association for Information Systems, (2005)