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Transmit codes and receive filters for pulse compression radar systems., , и . ICASSP, стр. 3649-3652. IEEE, (2008)Machine learning enhancement of Storm Scale Ensemble precipitation forecasts., , и . CIDU, стр. 39-46. IEEE, (2012)A Study and Application on Machine Learning of Artificial Intellligence., и . JCAI, стр. 272-274. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Learning ensembles of Continuous Bayesian Networks: An application to rainfall prediction., , и . CIDU, стр. 112-117. IEEE, (2012)Neural network quantum state with proximal optimization: a ground-state searching scheme based on variational Monte Carlo., и . CoRR, (2022)An effective educational tool for straightforward learning of numerical modeling in engineering electromagnetics., , , и . Comput. Appl. Eng. Educ., 29 (6): 1554-1566 (2021)A Novel Water Quality Assessment Method Based on Combination BP Neural Network Model and Fuzzy System.. J. Comput., 8 (6): 1587-1593 (2013)基于云网格集成调度的防拥堵车辆路径规划算法 (Anti Congestion Vehicle Path Planning Algorithm Based on Cloud Grid Integrated Scheduling)., и . 计算机科学, 42 (7): 295-299 (2015)Spatial characteristics of extreme rainfall over China with hourly through 24-hour accumulation periods based on national-level hourly rain gauge data, , , , и . Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 33 (11): 1218--1232 (01.11.2016)Study on measurement error analysis and correction method of ground flash data in Hunan., , , , и . ICAIIS, стр. 42:1-42:5. ACM, (2021)