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Multi-Dimensional QoS Guided DBC Optimization Algorithm in Resource Broker., , , и . PDPTA, стр. 1476-1482. CSREA Press, (2004)The application of windowed dynamic programming algorithm in software and cognitive radar., , , и . ICOIN, стр. 293-297. IEEE, (2017)Pulsed OFDM modulation for ultra wideband communications., , , и . ISCAS (5), стр. 369-392. IEEE, (2004)Ezra Pound's The River Merchant's Wife: Representations of a Decontextualized "Chineseness". Meta, (2011)Low Complexity List Updating Circuits for List Sphere Decoders., , и . SiPS, стр. 28-33. IEEE, (2006)Feedback Control of an Omnidirectional Autonomous Platform for Mobile Service Robots., , , , и . Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 22 (3-4): 315-330 (1998)A Study on Radar Target Detection Based on Broad Learning System., , , и . ICDSP, стр. 369-373. ACM, (2020)Mobile robot control using fuzzy-Gaussian neural networks., , , , и . IROS, стр. 919-925. IEEE, (1993)Robust waveform design of wideband cognitive radar for extended target detection., и . ICASSP, стр. 3096-3100. IEEE, (2016)Detection of heterogeneous samples based on loaded generalized inner product method., , и . Digit. Signal Process., 22 (4): 605-613 (2012)