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Gesture Recognition using Character Recognition Techniques on Two-Dimensional Eigenspace.

, and . ICCV, page 151-156. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)

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Capturing the motions of actors in movies., , , and . SIGGRAPH Abstracts and Applications, page 235. ACM, (1999)Scene Constraints-Aided Tracking of Human Body., and . CVPR, page 1151-1156. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Automatic Registration of Virtual Objects onto Human Image Sequences., , and . ICPR, page 3175-3177. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)A cartoon-character costume with facial expression., , and . SIGGRAPH Asia Posters, page 55:1. ACM, (2011)Skill Recognition., , , and . FG, page 604-609. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Human motion analysis based on a robot arm model., and . CVPR, page 664-665. IEEE, (1991)Does action have to relate to speech?, and . SIGGRAPH Asia Posters, page 3. ACM, (2016)Gesture Recognition using Character Recognition Techniques on Two-Dimensional Eigenspace., and . ICCV, page 151-156. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Bayesian Classification of Task-Oriented Actions Based on Stochastic Context-Free Grammar., , , and . FGR, page 317-323. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Stereoscopic Tracking of Bodies in Motion., and . Alvey Vision Conference, page 1-6. Alvey Vision Club, (1989)