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Págico: Evaluating Wikipedia-based information retrieval in Portuguese.

, , , , and . LREC, page 2015-2022. European Language Resources Association (ELRA), (2012)

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The importance of vagueness in translation: Examples from English to Portuguese. Romansk Forum, (June 1997)QUEMDISSE? Reported speech in Portuguese., , and . LREC, European Language Resources Association (ELRA), (2016)An Initial Proposal for Cooperative Evaluation on Information Retrieval in Portuguese., , , , and . PROPOR, volume 2721 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 227-234. Springer, (2003)Annotating COMPARA, a Grammar-aware Parallel Corpus., and . LREC, page 1216-1221. European Language Resources Association (ELRA), (2006)Second HAREM: New Challenges and Old Wisdom., , , and . PROPOR, volume 5190 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 212-215. Springer, (2008)Linguateca: um centro de recursos distribuído para o processamento computacional da língua portuguesa, , , , , , , , , and 11 other author(s). Workshop on Linguistic Tools and Resources for Spanish and Portuguese, page 147--154. Puebla, México, (2004)CHAVE: Topics and Questions on the Portuguese Participation in CLEF., and . CLEF (Working Notes), volume 1170 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2004)Medical Imaging Data and Process Analysis in a Stroke Scenario., , , and . EUSPN/ICTH, volume 177 of Procedia Computer Science, page 363-370. Elsevier, (2020)Handling implicit geographic evidence for geographic ir., , and . CIKM, page 1383-1384. ACM, (2008)Second HAREM: Advancing the State of the Art of Named Entity Recognition in Portuguese., , , , and . LREC, European Language Resources Association, (2010)