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Ontology building for cognitive bias assessment in intelligence., , и . CogSIMA, стр. 237-243. IEEE, (2014)GLUON: A Reasoning-based and Natural Language Generation-based System to Explicit Ontology Design Choices., и . KDIR, стр. 228-236. SCITEPRESS, (2022)Knowledge Based Situation Discovery for Avionics Maintenance., , , и . K-CAP, стр. 155-162. ACM, (2019)Développer des applications sémantiques en expliquant les conséquences de conception de la base de connaissances.. IC, стр. 191-194. PFIA, (2023)NLP Contribution to the Semantic Web: Linking the Term to the Concept., , , и . KES (1), том 5711 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 309-317. Springer, (2009)Système d'aide à l'accès lexical : trouver le mot qu'on a sur le bout de la langue., , и . TALN (Articles longs), стр. 169-178. ATALA, (2004)Integrating Ontological Domain Knowledge into a Robotic DSL., , и . MoDELS (Workshops), том 6627 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 401-414. Springer, (2010)AnT&CoW: Share, Classify and Elaborate Documents by means of Annotation., , и . ICDIM, стр. 332-337. IEEE, (2006)Annotation: textual media for cooperation., , и . IWAC, стр. 41-50. CNRS - Programme société de l'information, (2005)Médiatiser l'annotation pour une herméneutique numérique : AnT&CoW, un collecticiel pour une coopération via l'annotation de documents numériques. (Mediating annotation for digital hermeneutics: AnT&CoW, a groupware to support annotation-based cooperation about digital documents).. University of Technology of Troyes, France, (2006)