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Feasible Stylized Motion: Robotic Manipulator Imitation of a Human Demonstration with Collision Avoidance and Style Parameters in Increasingly Cluttered Environments.

, , and . MOCO, page 4:1-4:8. ACM, (2020)

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Feasible Stylized Motion: Robotic Manipulator Imitation of a Human Demonstration with Collision Avoidance and Style Parameters in Increasingly Cluttered Environments., , and . MOCO, page 4:1-4:8. ACM, (2020)Trajectory learning from demonstration with canal surfaces: A parameter-free approach., , and . Humanoids, page 544-549. IEEE, (2016)Perception of Emotion in Torso and Arm Movements on Humanoid Robot Quori., and . HRI (Companion), page 62-66. ACM, (2021)Affective Robot Behavior Improves Learning in a Sorting Game., and . RO-MAN, page 436-441. IEEE, (2022)Effects of Feedback Styles on Performance and Preference for an Exercise Coach., and . RO-MAN, page 1516-1523. IEEE, (2024)Imitating Human Movement Using a Measure of Verticality to Animate Low Degree-of-Freedom Non-humanoid Virtual Characters., and . ICSR, volume 11357 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 588-598. Springer, (2018)Live Demonstration: IoT based smart vertical farming framework with sensor network and mobile application for real-time monitoring., , , and . SENSORS, page 1. IEEE, (2023)Early Prediction of Student Engagement-Related Events from Facial and Contextual Features., and . ICSR, volume 13086 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 308-318. Springer, (2021)Quantifying Coordination in Human Dyads via a Measure of Verticality., , and . MOCO, page 19:1-19:8. ACM, (2018)