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Preprocessing of a Fingerprint Image Captured with a Mobile Camera., , , и . ICB, том 3832 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 348-355. Springer, (2006)A Real-Time Image Selection Algorithm: Fingerprint Recognition Using Mobile Devices with Embedded Camera., , , , и . AutoID, стр. 166-170. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Minimum-time trajectory generation algorithm along curved paths for mobile robots with a motor control input constraint., и . SII, стр. 224-229. IEEE, (2012)A 16Gb 18Gb/S/pin GDDR6 DRAM with per-bit trainable single-ended DFE and PLL-less clocking., , , , , , , , , и 39 other автор(ы). ISSCC, стр. 204-206. IEEE, (2018)Design of a Four-Wheeled Omnidirectional Mobile Robot with Variable Wheel Arrangement Mechanism., , и . ICRA, стр. 720-725. IEEE, (2002)CFD study on power output and flow characteristics of 110 kW class BAWT., , , , и . HPCS, стр. 859-864. IEEE, (2011)Industrial HPC activities in Korea., , , , и . HPCS, стр. 814-818. IEEE, (2011)Time-optimal straight-line trajectory planning on hill for two-wheeled mobile robots., и . URAI, стр. 565-570. IEEE, (2013)An 80 nm 4 Gb/s/pin 32 bit 512 Mb GDDR4 Graphics DRAM With Low Power and Low Noise Data Bus Inversion., , , , , , , , , и 14 other автор(ы). IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, 43 (1): 121-131 (2008)ECSSL Protocol Based on 3B Algorithm., , и . SNPD, стр. 166-169. ACIS, (2003)