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Induction and Recapitulation of Deep Musical Structure

, and . Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI'95 Workshop on Music and AI, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, (20-25 August 1995)

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Trivial Geography in Genetic Programming, and . Genetic Programming Theory and Practice III, volume 9 of Genetic Programming, chapter 8, Springer, Ann Arbor, (12-14 May 2005)Genetic Programming for Quantum Computers, , and . Genetic Programming 1998: Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference, page 365--373. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, Morgan Kaufmann, (22-25 July 1998)Automatic Generation of Intelligent Agent Programs. IEEE Expert, 12 (1): 3--4 (January 1997)Ontogenetic Programming, and . Genetic Programming 1996: Proceedings of the First Annual Conference, page 394--399. Stanford University, CA, USA, MIT Press, (28--31 July 1996)Autoconstructive Evolution: Push, PushGP, and Pushpop. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2001), page 137--146. San Francisco, California, USA, Morgan Kaufmann, (7-11 July 2001)Evolution of artificial intelligence.. Artif. Intell., 170 (18): 1251-1253 (2006)Lexicase Selection Beyond Genetic Programming., , and . GPTP, page 123-136. Springer, (2018)Validation of evolutionary activity metrics for long-term evolutionary dynamics., and . GECCO, page 137-142. ACM, (2005)Fecundity and selectivity in evolutionary computation., , and . GECCO (Companion), page 129-130. ACM, (2011)Uniform Linear Transformation with Repair and Alternation in Genetic Programming., and . GPTP, page 137-153. Springer, (2013)