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On Line Processing of Compacted Relations., , and . VLDB, page 263-269. Morgan Kaufmann, (1982)VERSO: A Relational Backend Database Machine., , , , , , , and . Advanced Database Machine Architecture, page 1-18. Prentice-Hall, (1983)Mapping XML Fragments to Community Web Ontologies., , , , and . WebDB, page 97-102. (2001)Integrating ontologies and thesauri for RDF schema creation and metadata querying., , and . Int. J. Digit. Libr., 3 (3): 221-236 (2000)Analysis of Filtering Efficiency in the Database Machine VERSO., , and . IWDM, page 91-105. Springer, (1983)Efficient Filtering in Micro-blogging Systems: We Won't Get Flooded Again., , and . SSDBM, volume 7338 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 168-176. Springer, (2012)RQL: a declarative query language for RDF., , , , and . WWW, page 592-603. ACM, (2002)Querying XML Sources Using an Ontology-Based Mediator., , , and . OTM, volume 2519 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 429-448. Springer, (2002)Approximate Retrieval with HiPeR: Application to VA-Hierarchies., , and . MMM, volume 5371 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 344-355. Springer, (2009)Benchmarking Spatial Joins À La Carte., , , , and . SSDBM, page 32-41. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)