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Cell Life: A Biology Game to Support Biology Classrooms., and . WorldCIST, volume 206 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, page 1149-1155. Springer, (2013)A Framework for Branched Storytelling and Matchmaking in Multiplayer Games., , and . ArtsIT/DLI, volume 265 of Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, page 91-100. Springer, (2018)How Can We Be Serious in a Game?, , , , and . AAAI Fall Symposium: Intelligent Narrative Technologies, volume FS-07-05 of AAAI Technical Report, page 25-28. AAAI Press, (2007)Hand in Hand - Maths and Storytelling Together in an Educational Game., , and . ICAART (2), page 335-338. SciTePress, (2012)A Computer Model For Pinscreen Simulation : A New Animation Paradigm., and . Comput. Graph. Forum, 11 (1): 31-42 (1992)Maths4Kids: telling stories with Maths., , and . FDG, page 4:1-4:6. ACM, (2010)Fault tolerance in active power filters, based on multilevel NPC topology., and . IECON, page 410-415. IEEE, (2012)