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Tangible and Distributed User Interfaces to Improve Cognitive Abilities within People Affected by Alzheimer's Disease.

, , and . DUI@EICS, page 10-13. (2013)

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Increasing engagement in elderly people through tangible and distributed user interfaces., , and . PervasiveHealth, page 390-393. ICST, (2014)Interaction and collaboration supported by distributed user interfaces: from GUIs to DUIs., , and . Interacción, page 53:1-53:2. ACM, (2012)TrainAb: a solution based on tangible and distributed user interfaces to improve cognitive disabilities., , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 3039-3042. ACM, (2013)Interacting with Tangible Objects in Distributed Settings., , and . DUI@ICWE, page 15-18. ACM, (2014)Guidelines to Design Playful Multi-Device Environments Based on Tangible Interaction., , , , and . Interacción, page 7:1-7:2. ACM, (2015)Stimulating Cognitive Abilities with Internet of Things., , and . UCAmI, volume 7656 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 499-502. Springer, (2012)Introducing IoT and Wearable Technologies into Task-Based Language Learning for Young Children., , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Learn. Technol., 9 (4): 366-378 (2016)New Era of m-Learning Tools - Creation of MPrinceTool a Mobile Educative Tool., , , , and . ICEIS (5), page 161-167. SciTePress, (2010)Tangible and Distributed User Interfaces to Improve Cognitive Abilities within People Affected by Alzheimer's Disease., , and . DUI@EICS, page 10-13. (2013)NFCBOOK: GameBook Digital Based on Tangible User Interfaces., , , and . Interacción, page 32:1-32:3. ACM, (2014)