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Comparison of fine-tuned single-source and multi-source approaches to surface electromyogram pattern recognition., , , и . Biomed. Signal Process. Control., (2024)Decoding Relative Pitch Imagery Using Functional Connectivity: An Electroencephalographic Study., , , , и . LifeTech, стр. 48-49. IEEE, (2019)Model-based computer-aided design environment for operational design., , и . Comput. Ind. Eng., 46 (3): 413-430 (2004)Improving management practices upon organizational characteristics - An analysis of Japanese manufacturing subsidiaries in Vietnam., и . IEEM, стр. 280-285. IEEE, (2014)Analysis and Usage: Subject-to-subject Linear Domain Adaptation in sEMG Classification., , , и . EMBC, стр. 674-677. IEEE, (2020)Channel- and Label-Flip Data Augmentation for Motor Imagery-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces., , и . EMBC, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2024)Analysis of Neural Circuit for Visual Attention Using Lognormally Distributed Input., , и . ICANN, том 8681 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 467-474. Springer, (2014)Attempt on plant machine interface., , , , , и . SMC, стр. 791-796. IEEE, (2011)Study on Safety Operation Support System by Using the Risk Management Information., , , , , и . KES (2), том 4252 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 553-560. Springer, (2006)Innovative support of creation by analogy-based searching of potential needs., , , , и . IEEM, стр. 86-90. IEEE, (2011)