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Visualization Placement for Outdoor Augmented Data Tours., , , , and . SUI, page 9:1-9:14. ACM, (2023)Natural-color maps via coloring of bivariate grid data., and . Comput. Geosci., (2017)Automation and evaluation of graduated dot maps., , and . Int. J. Geogr. Inf. Sci., 31 (12): 2524-2542 (2017)A Design Space For Data Visualisation Transformations Between 2D And 3D In Mixed-Reality Environments., , , , and . CHI, page 25:1-25:14. ACM, (2022)Tangible Globes for Data Visualisation in Augmented Reality., , , , , , , , and . CHI, page 505:1-505:16. ACM, (2022)Drawing Connections: Designing Situated Links for Immersive Maps., , , and . Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact., 7 (MHCI): 1-26 (2023)Augmented Reality Map Navigation with Freehand Gestures., , , , , and . VR, page 593-603. IEEE, (2019)Illuminated and shadowed contour lines: improving algorithms and evaluating effectiveness., and . Int. J. Geogr. Inf. Sci., 30 (10): 1923-1943 (2016)Look-From Camera Control for 3D Terrain Maps., , and . CHI, page 364. ACM, (2019)Quantitative Data Visualisation on Virtual Globes., , , , and . CHI, page 460:1-460:14. ACM, (2021)