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Introducing new variables and constraints into computer architecture education: keynote address.. WCAE, стр. 2. ACM, (2002)Scalability Port: A Coherent Interface for Shared Memory Multiprocessors., , , , , и . Hot Interconnects, стр. 65-70. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)The Effects of Cache Coherence on the Performance of Parallel PDE Algorithms in Multiprocessors., и . ICPP (1), стр. 233-236. Pennsylvania State University Press, (1989)Computer architecture and parallel processing., и . McGraw-Hill Series in computer organization and architecture McGraw-Hill, (1986)Blackford: A duall processor chipset for servers and workstatiions., , , , и . Hot Chips Symposium, стр. 1-28. IEEE, (2006)Effects of buffered memory requests in multiprocessor systems.. SIGMETRICS, стр. 73-81. ACM, (1979)Engineering computer network (ECN): a hardwired network of UNIX computer systems., , и . AFIPS National Computer Conference, том 50 из AFIPS Conference Proceedings, стр. 191-201. AFIPS Press, (1981)A study of performance impact of memory controller features in multi-processor server environment., , и . WMPI, стр. 80-87. ACM, (2004)The Scalable Processor Architecture (SPARC)., , , , , , , , , и 2 other автор(ы). COMPCON, стр. 278-283. IEEE Computer Society, (1988)Micro-architecture techniques in the intel E8870 scalable memory controller., , и . WMPI, стр. 30-36. ACM, (2004)