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Apparatus and Method for Calculating Receive Parameters for an MIMO System

, , , and . European Patent EP2410705A1 and EP2410705B1, Chinese Patent CN102377721A, Japanese Patents JP2012050072A and JP5190139B2, Korean Patents KR101263737B1 and KR20120010178A, US Patents US2012020422A1 and US8724743B2, (July 2010)

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Apparatus and Method for Calculating Receive Parameters for an MIMO System, , , and . European Patent EP2410705A1 and EP2410705B1, Chinese Patent CN102377721A, Japanese Patents JP2012050072A and JP5190139B2, Korean Patents KR101263737B1 and KR20120010178A, US Patents US2012020422A1 and US8724743B2, (July 2010)A Spatial Sub-Channel Selection and Pre-Coding Apparatus, , , , and . European Patents EP2124351A1 and EP2124351B1, Chinese Patents CN101599787A and CN101599787B, Japanese Patents JP2010004525A and JP4830001B2, US Patents US2009323848A1 and US8379747B2, (May 2008)Multiuser MIMO for Wireless Communications Beyond 3G, , , , and . Proceedings of the Commercial MIMO Components and Systems Workshop, Duisburg, Germany, (September 2007)Invited Paper.Apparatus and Method for Allocating a Plurality of Subchannels to a Plurality of Terminals, , and . European Patents EP2273716A1 and EP2273716B1, Japanese Patents JP2011041259A and JP5033901B2, (June 2009)Apparatus and Method for Selecting a Terminal, , and . European Patent EP2273839A1, Japanese Patents JP2011015399A and JP4896253B2, (June 2009)Efficient linear successive allocation for the MIMO broadcast channel., , , and . ACSCC, page 336-340. IEEE, (2008)Subspace Beamforming and Scheduling for the Multiuser MIMO Broadcast Channel, , , , and . Proceedings of the 7th International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding, SCC 2008, Ulm, Germany, (January 2008)A User Selection Apparatus for a Mobile Communication System, , , and . European Patents EP2134003A1 and EP2134003B1, Japanese Patents JP2009296598A and JP4846000B2, (June 2008)