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Progressive photon mapping with sample elimination., , , и . I3D, стр. 201. ACM, (2016)A method of hierarchical time-series data visualization., , , и . VINCI, стр. 113-114. ACM, (2013)A system framework and key techniques of fragments assembly for restoration of historical relics based on grid., , , , , и . VRCIA, стр. 387-390. ACM, (2006)A New Layering Architecture of E-Learning System., , и . ICWL, том 4823 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 218-229. Springer, (2007)Mesh Simplification With Appearance-Driven Optimizations., , , , , , и . IEEE Access, (2020)Specification and enforcement of flexible security policy for active cooperation., , , , и . Inf. Sci., 179 (15): 2629-2642 (2009)Intention-Oriented Itinerary Recommendation Through Bridging Physical Trajectories and Online Social Networks., , , и . KSII Trans. Internet Inf. Syst., 6 (12): 3197-3218 (2012)Interactive Simulation of Scattering Effects in Participating Media Using a Neural Network Model., , , , и . IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 27 (7): 3123-3134 (2021)An Integrated Multi-channel Messaging Model supporting for business collaboration., , , и . CSCWD, стр. 532-537. IEEE, (2011)Dynamic Manufacturing Job Management in Manufacturing Grid., , , , и . CSCWD, стр. 1344-1349. IEEE, (2006)