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Super-Resolved Faces for Improved Face Recognition from Surveillance Video., , , и . ICB, том 4642 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1-10. Springer, (2007)Vertical Axis Detection for Sport Video Analytics., , , , , и . DICTA, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2016)Skeleton Driven Non-Rigid Motion Tracking and 3D Reconstruction., , , , и . DICTA, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2018)Improved Stereo Image Matching Using Mutual Information and Hierarchical Prior Probabilities., , и . ICPR (2), стр. 937-940. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Accurate silhouette segmentation using motion detection and graph cuts., , и . ISSPA, стр. 81-84. IEEE, (2010)Accurate Silhouettes for Surveillance - Improved Motion Segmentation Using Graph Cuts., , , и . DICTA, стр. 369-374. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Discovery of facial motions using deep machine perception., , , и . WACV, стр. 1-7. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Attention Networks for Multi-Task Signal Analysis., , , , и . EMBC, стр. 184-187. IEEE, (2020)Deep Spatio-Temporal Features for Multimodal Emotion Recognition., , , , , и . WACV, стр. 1215-1223. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Task Specific Visual Saliency Prediction with Memory Augmented Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks., , , и . WACV, стр. 1539-1548. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)