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The role of emotion in moral psychology, , and . Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 13 (1): 2 (January 2009)(Mis)understanding mirror neurons, and . Current Biology, 20 (14): R593--4 (July 2010)Disruption of the right temporoparietal junction with transcranial magnetic stimulation reduces the role of beliefs in moral judgments, , , , and . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107 (15): 6753--6758 (April 2010)Processing of complex sounds in the macaque nonprimary auditory cortex, , and . Science, 268 (5207): 111--114 (April 1995)The Linguistic Analogy: Motivations, Results, and Speculations., , and . Top. Cogn. Sci., 2 (3): 486-510 (2010)The possibility of impossible cultures. Nature, 460 (7252): 190--196 (July 2009)Das bösartigste Gefühl ist der Ekel : ... auf der Suche nach der angeborenen Moral. Natur + Kosmos, 2008 (7): 54-55 (2008)A primate dictionary? decoding the function and meaning of another species' vocalizations.. Cogn. Sci., 24 (3): 445-475 (2000)Syntax-induced pattern deafness, and . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106 (49): 21001--21006 (Dec 8, 2009)The evolution of communication. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, (1996)