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Small-Satellite Attitude Control Using Continuous Sinusoids With Strict Amplitude Constraints., , и . IEEE Trans. Control. Syst. Technol., 31 (2): 707-721 (марта 2023)Steering on SO(3) with sinusoidal inputs., , и . ACC, стр. 604-609. IEEE, (2017)Discrete-time trailing horizon direct adaptive disturbance rejection., , и . ACC, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2006)Soft-Minimum Barrier Functions for Safety-Critical Control Subject to Actuation Constraints., и . ACC, стр. 2646-2651. IEEE, (2023)Adaptive control of uncertain Hammerstein systems with monotonic input nonlinearities using auxiliary nonlinearities., , , , и . CDC, стр. 4811-4816. IEEE, (2012)Retrospective cost adaptive control for nonminimum-phase discrete-time systems, part 2: The adaptive controller and stability analysis., и . CDC, стр. 899-904. IEEE, (2010)On the effects of changing reference command as humans learn to control dynamic systems., , , , и . CDC, стр. 1211-1216. IEEE, (2016)A numerical study on controlling a nonlinear multilink arm using a retrospective cost model reference adaptive controller., , , и . CDC/ECC, стр. 8008-8013. IEEE, (2011)Formation Control in a Leader-Fixed Frame for Agents with Extended Unicycle Dynamics that Include Orientation Kinematics on SO(m)., и . CDC, стр. 8230-8235. IEEE, (2019)Leader-Following Formation Control in a Rotating Frame for Agents with Double-Integrator Dynamics: Generalized Stability Results and Experiments., и . CDC, стр. 8236-8241. IEEE, (2019)