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The Model Companion of Stone Semilattices., и . Math. Log. Q., 37 (31-32): 501-512 (1991)Model Companions of Distributive p-Algebras.. J. Symb. Log., 47 (3): 680-688 (1982)Bialgebraic Contexts for Distributive Lattices - Revisited.. ICFCA, том 3403 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 403-407. Springer, (2005)Argumente für Informatik am Gymnasium., , и . informatik@gymnasium, Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung, (2013)Commutative Information Algebras: Representation and Duality Theory., и . CoRR, (2020)Effective Subdirect Decomposition: A Case Study., и . Theor. Comput. Sci., 100 (1): 137-156 (1992)The countable homogeneous universal model of B2., и . Stud Logica, 56 (1/2): 31-66 (1996)Die Gestaltung der Kapitalstruktur einer Publikums-Aktiengesellschaft unter steuerlichen Aspekten. Juris, Zürich, (1974)