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Comparison of PD and Breakdown Characteristics Induced by Metal Particles and Bubbles in Flowing Transformer Oil., , , и . IEEE Access, (2019)From Surface Potential to Surface Charge: An Inversion Algorithm for Shift-Variant System Based on Hybrid LBD-Tikhonov Method., , , , , и . IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., (2023)Partial Discharge Signal Denoising Based on Wavelet Pair and Block Thresholding., , , , и . IEEE Access, (2020)Fault Diagnosis and Condition Division Criterion of DC Gas Insulating Equipment Based on SF6 Partial Discharge Decomposition Characteristics., , , , , , и . IEEE Access, (2019)Inversion Algorithm for Surface Charge Distribution on Insulator in Shift-Invariant System Based on Constrained Least Square Filter., , , , , и . IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., (2021)Experimental Study on Compatibility of Eco-Friendly Insulating Medium C5F10O/CO2 Gas Mixture With Copper and Aluminum., , , , , , , , и . IEEE Access, (2019)Experimental Study on Power Frequency Breakdown Characteristics of C4F7N/CO2 Gas Mixture Under Quasi-Homogeneous Electric Field., , , , , , и . IEEE Access, (2019)Comprehensive Evaluation and Application of GIS Insulation Condition Part 1: Selection and Optimization of Insulation Condition Comprehensive Evaluation Index Based on Multi-Source Information Fusion., , , и . IEEE Access, (2019)Conformation Analysis of Environmentally Friendly Insulating Gas C5-PFK., , , , , и . IEEE Access, (2019)Dissolved Gas Analysis in Transformer Oil Using Pt-Doped WSe2 Monolayer Based on First Principles Method., , , , , , , и . IEEE Access, (2019)