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MASTAC: new curriculum for master and doctoral studies in critical software and computing.

, , , , , and . SEESE@ICSE, page 59-64. ACM, (2008)

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Combining tasking and transactions, part II: open multithreaded transactions., and . IRTAW, page 67-74. ACM, (2000)Fifth workshop on software engineering for large-scale multi-agent systems (SELMAS)., , , , , and . ICSE, page 1022-1023. ACM, (2006)Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-agent Systems - SELMAS'04., , , , , , and . ICSE, page 752-753. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Twin Workshops on Architecting Dependable Systems (WADS 2004)., , and . ICSE, page 758. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)CAA-DRIP: a framework for implementing Coordinated Atomic Actions., , , , and . ISSRE, page 385-394. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Transactions and Groups as Generic Building Blocks for Software Fault Tolerance., , and . Ada-Europe, volume 2655 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 208-219. Springer, (2003)Formal Modelling and Analysis of Business Information Applications with Fault Tolerant Middleware., , , and . ICECCS, page 68-77. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Cost-aware Scheduling of Software Processes Execution in the Cloud., , and . MODELSWARD, page 203-212. SciTePress, (2018)The Impact of Consistency on System Latency in Fault Tolerant Internet Computing., , , , and . DAIS, volume 9038 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 179-192. Springer, (2015)DEPLOY: industrial deployment of advanced system engineering methods for high productivity and dependability.. SERENE, page 117-119. ACM, (2008)